Code of Conduct
Shahmurad Sugar Mills Limited is guided by the following principles in its pursuit of excellence in all activities for attainment of the comapny objectives.
The Company:
- Fulfills all statutory requirements of the Regulatory Authority and follows all applicable laws of the country together with compliance of accepted accounting principles, rules and procedures required.
- Deals with all stakeholders in an objective and transparent manner so as to meet the expectations of those who rely on the Company.
- Meet the expectations of the spectrum of the society and the Regulatory Authority by implementing an effective and fair system of financial reporting and internal controls.
- Uses all means to protect the environment and ensures health and safety of the employees.
- Activities and involvement of directors and employees of the Company in no way conflict with the interest of the Company. All acts and decisions of the management are motivated by the interest of the Company rather than their own.
- Ensures efficient and effective utilization of its resources.
As Directors:
- Promote and develop attractive environment through responsive policies and guidelines to facilitate viable and timely decisions.
- Maintain organizational effectiveness for the achievement of the Company's goals.
- Support and adherence to compliance of legal and industry requirements.
- Safeguard the interest and assets of the company to meet and honor all obligations of the Company.
- Promote a culture that supports enterprise and innovation with appropriate short-term and long-term performance related rewards that are fair and achievable in motivating management and employees effectively and productively.
As Executives and Managers:
- Ensure cost effectiveness and profitability of operations.
- Provide directions and leadership for the organization and take viable and timely decisions.
- Develop and cultivate work ethics and harmony among colleagues and associates.
- Encourage initiatives and self-realization in employees through meaningful empowerment.
- Promote and develop culture of excellence, conservation and continuous improvement.
- Provide pleasant work atmosphere and ensure an equitable way of working and rewarding system.
- Institute commitment to environmental, health and safety performance.
As Employees and Workers:
- Observe Company policies, regulations and codes of Best Business Practices.
- Exercise prudence in effective, efficient and economical utilization of resources of the Company.
- Make concerted struggle for excellence and quality.
- Devote productive time and continued efforts to strength the Company.
- Protect and safeguard the interest of the Company and avoid the conflict of interest. Ensure the primary interest in all respects is that of the Company.
- Maintain financial integrity and must avoid making personal gain at the Company's cost by participating in or assisting activities which compete with the Company.